Your own raised bed

Less work & higher yields with the professional raised bed. The “Ursula” raised bed takes the management of your garden to a new level.

Higher yields.
Better pest control.
Less strain on the back.
Planting earlier in spring.
Aesthetic design in the garden.
Reduced weed growth


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Raised bed set “Basic”

Raised bed set “Basic”

The “Basic” raised bed set is the perfect choice for beginners in the world of gardening on raised beds. This set contains everything you need to grow your own plants and vegetables.

  • Base
  • Mouse grid
  • Snail protection
  • easy to upgrade
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Raised bed set “cold frame”

Raised bed set “cold frame”

The cold frame raised bed set is a great choice for garden lovers who want to grow fresh vegetables and herbs all year round. This set contains a raised bed with a special cold frame cover.

  • Base
  • cover
  • Cucumber trellis
  • Vole screen & snail protection
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Raised bed set “Professional”

Raised bed set “Professional”

The “Professional” raised bed set is the ultimate choice for experienced gardeners who are looking for the highest quality and functionality.

  • Base
  • Coverage & spray irrigation
  • 3x cucumber trellis
  • Protection against voles, insects & snails
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Advantages & benefits of a raised bed

Raised beds allow for control over soil quality, resulting in healthier and more fertile soil. You can specifically adjust the composition of the soil to meet the needs of your plants.

Because raised beds are above ground level, they warm up faster than the surrounding soil. This promotes plant growth, especially at the beginning and end of the gardening season.

The elevated position of a raised bed ensures improved drainage, which prevents root rot and waterlogging. Your plants are less susceptible to water stress.

Raised beds provide a physical barrier to weeds because they float above the ground. This reduces the need for weed control and makes gardening easier.

The elevated position of the raised bed makes gardening more comfortable as you don't have to bend or kneel. This is particularly beneficial for people with back problems or mobility limitations.

Thanks to better temperature control, you can extend the growing season in a raised bed. Early spring and late fall plantings are easier to implement.

Watering a raised bed is more efficient because the water does not evaporate as easily as on a flat surface. This saves water and helps keep your plants constantly hydrated.

Raised beds can be better protected from pests because they are above the ground. This makes it difficult for soil pests like voles to access the roots of your plants. You can also more easily install slug fences or other protection around the raised bed to keep pests out. This helps reduce pesticide use and maintain the health of your plants.



Die Vorteile eines Hochbeets für Einsteiger

Die Vorteile eines Hochbeets für Einsteiger

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Our team for you

Welcome to , your partner for first-class raised beds and sustainable self-sufficiency in the middle of Europe! Our products are manufactured by a dedicated team in Austria, Germany and Switzerland .

Buttazoni family

Armin Buttazoni

Eva Buttazoni

Renate Trampitsch


Mehr Fragen und Antworten

Unser Alleinstellungsmerkmal ist die hohe Qualität unserer Produkte: langlebig, wärmeisoliert für höheren Ertrag und individuell konfigurierbar. Zudem ermöglicht unsere spezielle Abdeckung die Nutzung des Hochbeets das ganze Jahr über.

Metallhochbeete sind langlebiger und benötigen keine Noppenfolie. Wir verwenden speziellen rostfreien Stahl, der keine Aluminiumoxide im Essen verursacht und unsere Materialien halten im Gegensatz zu Holz-Hochbeeten bis zu Jahrzehnten.

Wir bieten verschiedene Abdeckungen, Bewässerungssysteme, Insektenschutzgitter, Wühlmausgitter, Schneckenschutz und vieles mehr an.

Wir bieten Hochbeete, Tomatenhäuser und Hühnerställe aus Metall an. Natürlich haben wir auch Zubehör (Bewässerungssysteme, Sets, Erde etc.) im Sortiment.

Ein Hochbeet sollte auf einem ebenen und stabilen Untergrund, wie z.B. auf einer Wiese, aufgestellt werden.

Ein Fundament ist für das Aufstellen eines Hochbeets nicht erforderlich.

Wenn Sie handwerklich geschickt sind, benötigen zwei Personen etwa 1,5 Stunden für den Aufbau.

Die gesamte Palette eines Hochbeets mit Zubehör wiegt etwa 150 kg. Das schwerste Einzelteil wiegt etwa 25 kg.

Ja, auf Anfrage fertigen wir Ihr Hochbeet nach Ihren Wünschen.
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