Customer testimonials

Bettina Jensen

The whole ordering process went great. We are absolutely thrilled with our raised bed – thank you!

Bettina Jensen
Cologne, Germany


We bought the Ursula raised bed from you in August and are very satisfied. I already made the preparations in the fall. Now at the beginning of March I planted radishes and lettuce.



For me, the very high quality was the decisive factor in my purchase. I was very satisfied with the order processing and delivery. What I particularly liked: The high quality. TOP!!


Joseph D.

Simply great! – This is the best raised bed I know!

Joseph D.

W. Haller

As promised, some pictures. My mother is very happy with your raised bed.

W. Haller

B. Glazier

We are very satisfied.

B. Glaser-Palling

Hahnel family

Thank you for this wonderful raised bed!

Hahnel family

E. Suppan

Greetings from beautiful Tyrol.

E. Suppan
Marein in the Mürtal

Silke Pukropski

Hello and best wishes from Swabia! Now my EM garden has been planted, the raised bed has been set up and the first lettuce has already been harvested from it. I'm excited!

Silke Pukropski

K. Pellegrini

Greetings from beautiful Tyrol.

K. Pellegrini

Dr. John H.

For us, the Ursula raised bed is really the winner in the top league of raised beds because of the numerous, well-thought-out technical refinements and the perfection of engineering.

Dr. John H.

Brunner family

Brunner family

Roland Sauermoser

Assembly is child's play! I can only recommend the Ursula raised bed. I didn't plant the salad until February 18th. And the irrigation is great too!

Roland Sauermoser

K. Pellegrini

Greetings from beautiful Tyrol.

K. Pellegrini

Ulrike and Anton Kirchmeie

Lettuce, peppers and bush beans were planted, the huge Visalis planted itself, was probably in the soil that was added, which we still have to top up. We are very satisfied, the work is much easier now.

Ulrike and Anton Kirchmeie

Ebner family

Dear Buttazoni family – we are still harvesting :-). A bowl of endive or bird's lettuce every day. The growth phase is still ongoing. Rocket and herbs, freshly harvested at any time. We sowed radishes 3 weeks ago and they are already developing their fruits.

Ebner family

Hannes M.

I bought two raised beds from you at the trade fair, which you delivered to me the previous week. Now they are already there. And I have to say: they are really perfect. High regard for this development and this precision in processing.

Hannes M.

Mag. Hans Kahr

I didn't want to withhold from you my wife's creative design of the raised bed.

Mag. Hans Kahr


Greetings & thank you!


Herwig W.

For me the best raised bed there is.

Herwig W.

E. Suppan

E. Suppan
Marein in the Mürtal

Franz B.

Hello everyone! Sulmtaler (real Styrians) in the Carinthian stable. The best chicken coop for me.

Franz B.

Make Richard

Dear team – The seeds for special cucumbers you sent were a complete success.

Make Richard

Reitinger family

Since we had made the preparations for the construction and filling, we went straight to construction. The assembly instructions are very clear, making assembly quick and easy.

Reitinger family
Heading in the inner circle

W. Heymann

W. Heymann

E. Suppan

Dear Sir or Madam, here are a few more photos of the harvest from our raised bed, simply amazing...

E. Suppan

Roland Fürst

We are very satisfied with the raised beds, both in terms of the ordering process, delivery, assembly and the quality of the product.

Roland Fürst

Erika Riesner

Planted in October - harvested on January 20th!!!! I've tried a lot of things, and some of them have been harvested very successfully. With a lot of enthusiasm into the new year, it's already green.

Erika Riesner

E. Suppan

Salad with 5.3kg

E. Suppan

Martin H.

Dear Sir or Madam, We have now finished setting up the raised beds and are very satisfied and thrilled?… I have attached a photo of our garden to you.

Martin H.
St. Valentine

Karl L.

Raised bed custom-made with a length of 9m. In this custom-made product, several raised beds are connected and provide even more space for cultivation.

Karl L.

Dr. John H.

Without having to bend down or make any other effort, witnessing how seeds become plants and explosively transform into a jungle is a tremendous natural spectacle that we hadn't noticed before and in which we take unprecedented joy.

Dr. John H.

Erika Riesner

An Austrian quality product was the decisive factor for me when purchasing, as was the glass house effect thanks to the ingenious cover. The order processing, delivery and the quality of the raised bed are very good!

Erika Riesner

Werner Pokorny

Our super harvest from the Ursula raised bed. The carrots each weigh 37 dag and 60 dag and the kohlrabi weighs 1.85 kg.

Werner Pokorny

Koch family

Without words


Irene Keßler

Now that a season with the raised bed has come to an end (at least in an open state), I would like to express my joy about this successful project. We primarily harvested lettuce and spices, but also beans, kohlrabi and radishes.

Irene Kessler

Max W.

So my “gardening” is now almost finished.

Max W.

Gertrude W.

Pepper harvest 2016. Fresh from the raised bed.

Gertrude W.

Monika Russold

Yes, we ordered the raised bed *Ursula* in February, it was delivered in no time, was set up and filled straight away, you can now see the pictures - the first lettuce and the radish will be harvested shortly.

Monika Russold
Tragöß - Styria


My raised bed provides us with reliable supplies all year round! Even ginger thrives!!! And my mobile mini raised bed! to smile!

St. Polten

Bergthaler family

A thank you to Buttazoni for the masterpiece raised bed Ursula. Have a lot of fun with the Ursula raised bed, the growth is enormous.

Bergthaler family

Ulrike Pradel

Everything is fine and every day a reason to be happy! It's already the 2nd harvest wave, the first one with lettuce and radishes was fantastic! If it were possible, I would order a second raised bed immediately! ????

Ulrike Pradel
Cottbus - Germany

Béatrice Näf

I harvested lettuce and kohlrabi early on and gave them away to my neighbors. I harvested the first beans at the beginning of July and the pumpkins will soon be ripe. Cucumbers, carrots, leeks, salsify and beetroot also grow. A joy.

Béatrice Näf


Tröber family

Our collab harvest in mid-July


Gerhard G.

My storage of the covers for “Ursula raised bed”. If anyone is interested, I think it makes sense and no one falls over it, etc. It is also suitable for hobbyists or professionals. Costs around €80.

Gerhard G.

Annemarie Bürger

Great success news again – the new tomato house is literally exploding! I have already made delicious tomato sugo.

Annemarie Bürger

Wolfgang and Sieglinde Haas

Our “Ursula” brings us both vegetable lovers a lot of joy. Editing is much more pleasant when you no longer have to bend down.

Wolfgang and Sieglinde Haas

Eva Maria

I harvested this huge onion today!

Eva Maria

Tröber family

Dear Buttazionis – here are some photos from the Ausserfern. (Summer short and rainy, winter long).
